Lice – the annoying little monsters that roam our hair while making us feel uncomfortable and our heads itchy. They are small parasite insects that spend their lives on our heads and feed on our blood and when we scratch…
You probably understand that any chemical process takes its toll on your hair and coloring is certainly no exception. That is the number one reason why you shouldn’t re-dye your hair right away
Split ends can be a real pain especially if you want to grow long hair. Even if you feel like you treat your hair well, there are still many little and seemingly unimportant things which can cause your ends to…
While straightening itself can be a huge problem for many girls that can’t really get the desired results by using a flat iron, keeping hair straight after flat ironing can sometimes prove to be an even more daunting task. You…
Let’s find out – once and for all – what is the right temperature for washing hair in different circumstances. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using hot or cold water. If you’ve heard different suggestions from different people…
Perming (and hair styling in general) is a tricky thing – you usually understand that it might do some damage but you absolutely want to do it anyway. It’s somewhat reminding of those scenes in cartoons or movies where you…
If dandruff is a problem that you want to get rid of then you should probably listen up because I would like to tell you about a very interesting alternative to regular anti-dandruff shampoos.
Want to find out how to get that black dye out of your hair? Well, chances are you really do, if you have come here and are reading this post right now, so I guess that now it is up…
I have good news – after reading this article you will never need to suffer from certain kind of confusion again. What kind of confusion? You know, the one which strikes you right after coloring your hair