Coloring hair can be really exciting and regardless if you’re doing it yourself or at a salon, one thing is for sure – you just can’t wait to see your new look. That’s why it’s so disappointing and annoying when it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted. Either it’s too dark or too light or maybe something else is wrong. Anyways, the frustration is so big that you want to re-do it immediately but can you? How long should you wait between coloring?
Another group of people who could be concerned about how long to wait between coloring hair are those who wear a hair tone that’s significantly different from their natural one. If you’re one of them then you know how important it is to closely monitor the re-growth process and re-color your hair before your head starts to look like a rainbow or something. Sometimes there may be a situation when only a few weeks have passed since the last coloring treatment and you already feel like the tone needs some refreshing. But is it OK? Will your hair be fine in the long run if you do that? Those are the questions that are most likely going through your mind right now and that’s exactly the topic that we’re going to touch upon today.
Why should you wait between coloring hair?
You probably understand that any chemical process takes its toll on your hair and coloring is certainly no exception. That is the number one reason why you shouldn’t re-dye your hair right away – exposing your hair to hard chemicals is not something you want to do too often.
Now, there is definitely a difference between people with strong hair and those with weak hair. People who are blessed with really strong and healthy hair can be a little more careless than others but their hair is still not immune to the negative effects of hair dye chemicals.
If your hair is not that strong and prone to damage then you should definitely wait before coloring it again.
Split ends and hair breakage are two of the most common and also most disturbing consequences of too frequent coloring. Everytime you dye hair you sort of rip off the outer layer of it and damage the hair shaft. As a result, your hair loses its shine and smoothness as well as becomes dry and brittle.
How long should you wait before re-coloring your hair?
It’s generally suggested to wait at least four weeks between coloring hair. That’s the minimum interval if you care about your hair but it would actually be better to wait somewhere around six or seven weeks if you’re really scared of doing any damage. For people with stronger hair, however, five weeks should be completely enough.
Want to color your hair as soon as possible? Check out these conditioners for colored hair!
- A lot of depends on the condition that your hair is in after the coloring treatment. If it got damaged after the first time then don’t rush with dyeing it again and fix your hair first before doing any further damage to it.
- Deep conditioning at least once every few days is one of the best ways to recover from the damage you’ve done to your hair by dyeing it.
Here is a favorite of mine that can really help in these kinds of situations. With the help of this Miracle Deep Conditioner for dyed hair you’ll be able to dye your hair again sooner.
- It’s always easier and less damaging to go darker than to go lighter. If you have strong hair and you are going darker then in most cases you will be fine with waiting less than the aforementioned four weeks.
- Always read the instructions that come together with the dye. Those who made the product are also the ones who know best about how often it should be used.
- Do you really need to do a complete re-dye only because half an inch of your hair is in different color? Maybe you’re going to be OK with coloring only the roots that have re-grown since the last time? Then maybe you can do a complete re-dye only once every couple of months and be sparing towards your hair?
- If you plan to change tones often then maybe just go for a semi-permanent dye. This way you will save yourself a lot of trouble and be able to just wash the color out whenever you want.
- If you don’t want a completely different tone but just wish to lift it up a level or two then you might go for a mild 10 volume or 20 volume color and don’t wait as long.
The general rule is to wait four to eight weeks before coloring your hair again but as we just learned it’s not always necessary. If your hair is strong and you use a dye which is not too harsh then you can try to wait a little less than that and everything might still turn out fine. In most cases you can feel if your hair is OK and you can dye it sooner or if it’s damaged and needs to be fixed first.
Anyways, regardless of the hair type you have and all other things, there’s no guarantee that your hair will be severely damaged even if you color it, let’s say, twice in one week. It may or may not happen but the most important thing is for you to know what is considered to be a good interval between coloring hair and try to treat your hair right.
Tell us about your experience with re-dyeing hair. How long do you usually wait before coloring your hair again?
Want to color your hair as soon as possible? Check out these conditioners for colored hair!
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186 Comments on "How Long to Wait Between Coloring Hair?"
Maybe you should buy ur hair dye at Sally’s Beauty Store and also can buy it from the site online. You can save so much money and it’s easier to get information from calling them instead of just buying from anywhere or any kind of hair dye name brands. Shipping is free after you’ve spent $25.00 and they have everything you’ll need including the newest professional hair color’s. There’s so many different price ranges you can choose from too. Hope this helps with all the questions that you have about different professional hair products too lmao
I just dyed my hair deep purple and before i had brown hair with blonde streaks and i havent dyed it since December of last year..and i wanted to go darker but with a purplish tint but my hair didnt turn out like i wanted it to..and i want to re-do my hair but with the same hair color..and i just dyed it last week..i have really thick silky hair..soo the dye didnt get long do i wait to re-do it?
Two days ago I went to get my hair reverse highlights. My hair was a pretty strawberry blonds. Now my hair is like an ugly dull Ash blonde. I just want to put a color on it so I don’t have to look at it. Because it’s so dull at the ends I am thinking of putting coconut oil on the ends daily to see if it will condition it. How long do I have to wait before I can box color it?
I too put my usual blond on and it turned gray!! I want to color again soon. It’s been 10 days and I look like an old lady!! HELP!!
I waited 24 hours after dyeing my hair again and there was no damages
ccorzine LindaMartel A few weeks should be fine but you can usually tell if your hair is ready
My hair is jet black and I tried dying it a burgandy color yesterday but it never came out. How long do I wait before trying again?
It will catch on gradually. Dont bleach it…..just redye it next month. Do it once a month… the 3rd application it wil take on. I also had the same issue
Black is by far the worse hair cor to cover up..I would never color my hair BL6
I have the same question! I just died mine right now and Im thinking of doing it again tomorrow. I dont see any color or mine. I may add that I am only dying the ends and plan to cut it off in a month or so
Did you dye it next day with no problems? I dyed my hair a day ago & want to die it again today.
I colored my hair today, but stupidly forgot to shake the developer and tube of coloring before putting it on my hair. Would it be safe for me to color again in the next two or three days. Thank you
I dyed mine last night bluest blue but its more jet black than anything. I want to redo it today with a stronger developer. Is it too soon:?
Did you try it? & Did it turn out ok dying it next day?
well i dyed my hair blonde yesterday and found out that my boyfriend liked it brown better how long should i want till i dye it brown
I dye my hair honey Blonde and I hate it it didn’t cover any of my gray I want my Burgundy back will it hurt my hair to redo it since honey blonde was permanent Color my hair is cut real short
I did the same thing now it looks orange how soon can i redye it to light brown?
I dyed my hair black actually my sister in law did told me it would be a little lighter blonde it turned out black as black can I dye it same day a light color?
I dyed my hair yesterday and used a 10 % developer by mistake can I redye it using 20 % developer and what will the result be the 10 % made it to dark
I dyed my hair and used 10�veloper I should have used 20% Can I redye now using the proper developer the 10% made it to dark will using 20% make it lighter
I just did highlights in my hair and my hair is black.. but the highlights were blue and the blue was too dark and now u cant see it….. it just blends in… it was depressing so now i have to go get a BRIGHT blue and bleach and stuff and do it again tomorrow
How did dying your hair next day turn out?
TinaKSmith do not change your hair color for a man
There’s nothing wrong doing something to please someone yoy love. What if she thinks that her boyfriend’s is right? The only time it will be wrong is if she loses her whole identity for someone else, now that’s wrong. Otherwise I don’t see anything wrong with doing something to pelase the person you love every now and the . Besides you don’t even know if her boyfriend did something to his appearance to please her so stop dictating other people what they should do.
I dyed my hair from blonde to brown and it’s the same color like wtf
I dyed my hair a blue ombre(dark blue on top and a lighter shade of blue at the bottom) about 2-3 weeks ago and it turned green and is slowly turning blonde. My natural hair color is a dark brown, the hair lady that did it said my hair didn’t get damaged when she bleached it but she obviously lied and it is horribly damaged and the dye didn’t last. 🙁
Actually unnatural colors like blues, pinks, oranges, and purples tends to fade exceptionally fast. They require frequent redyes. I currently have pink hair. It can be a pain to up keep
I just died my hair tonight using one of those foam ones… It turned a lot more red than it was suppose to and didn’t really cover my roots that great. Can I redye it a dark brown this weekend?
I dyed my hair dirty blonde hair a lighter blonde but it’s not blonde enough. Can I Color it again in two days?
Bharmann Yes you can redye it. Dye does not damage your hair. Bleach does. Many people mistake this. You can dye it whatever color you wish as long as the dye is darker than what your hair is now and it should work just fine.
Color oops always makes the hair appear darker after using it. I don’t know why but it does
Hey Hon, Your hair is not
too damaged to take the red, red is honestly one of the hardest colors to keep, it fades in the first if not second wash. Try a different dye and don’t wash your hair as often.
I recently dyed my hair earlier last week with Loreal preference mousse to try and have a lighter shade of blonde. I went to the hair salon yesterday and my stylist thinned out my hair a lot so now it’s even darker. Is it okay for me to dye my hair again this week using the same product?
This has happened to me I did a blonde brown colour and it has turned it pinkish and ginger I am in bits can I put a really light blonde on top as I was always blonde
I dyed my hair blonde but it didn’t work, would it be fine to re try dyeing it (with a different dye) the next day?
I just dyed my hair red tonight and it didn’t come out red like it has before and I’m now wanting to dye it black. Just curious can I do it later this week? I have very long VERY thick hair and hate the color it is now :-/
Black goes over any color. You can dye it whenever you want and it won’t hurt it
So dyed my hair dark red brown and the box said ammonia free. I don’t like my so I want to dye it over with dark brown and the box say ammiona free. Can I do it the same day with hurting my hair? I so have a perm in my hair. Will this ruin my perm too?
mrstfs3 17 minutes ago
So dyed my hair dark red brown and the box said ammonia free. I don’t like my hair so I want to dye it over with dark brown and the box says ammiona free. Can I do it the same day without damaging my hair? I also have a perm in my hair. Will this ruin my perm too? It was a semi-permanent dye.
You can dye the brown over it. But I wouldn’t recomend dying it a third time in the same day. I’m not too familiar with perms so I don’t know if the dye will affect that or not. Follow up with a deep conditioning, and let it air dry naturally. You can accualy deep condition with by putting normal condidioner in wet hair and wrapping it up in a towl for one hour then rinse with cool water. It does the same trick as any other top line deep conditioner does. Wish you luck. 🙂
I had neutral dark brown but it looked a bit washed out. I then colored it a really dark brown with red tones. It washed me out and wasnt themost complimenting color. Then I read that you can use ashy colors to correct red. Its been four weeks since last so Im planning on recoloring mine tomorrow with a demi permanent ashy brown color. That will hopefully turn it a neutral dark brown. I read also that jet black looks nice with blue tones and ashy tones.
Try an ashy tone color. It might neutralize the red tones in the auburn and make it neutral. Thats what Im gonna do.
Ashy tones neutralize red.
Colors usually look different on perms. I remember my granny also had a perm and claimed to use brown dye but it always looked an awful dirty orange. She looked much better when she stopped and just let it go white. It looked much fuller and healthier.
So I dyed my hair about a week and a half ago i was a dark brown color, i changed to a dark cherry red. the color has began to fade very fast i can see where it has washed out and where I had blond at about 3 months ago. I get my dye from sally’s always have why is my color fading s quickly? I wash my hair in cold water and wash it about every 2 days using dry shampoo in between washing. Someone help.
how lomg do you have to wait until you can dye your hair again i dyed my hair on highlights but when i first dyed it my hair was more blonde but now it kinda faded it away and i want to redye my a dark color like brown i need some help U0001f629U0001f629
I did my hair three days ago magenta by loreal hi lift with a 20volume my hair was a deep Burgundyand now I don’t like my hair its a little to read so I redid it two days after violet buy Loreal Feria still don’t like my hair it’s a little too bright what do you recommend for me to do
I just dyed my hair to a yellowish blonde (which was not what I wanted) with the Ion Color Brilliance, the liquid and developer mixed together. Is it okay to re-color my hair to get it more to a whitish blonde, being that I dyed it from a brown color to blonde, in a day or two?
I can imagine that dying hair on a consistent basis might make it hard on the hair itself. However, like you mentioned, it can be nice to see how it turns out. Luckily there seem to be places out there that can help with things like that should help be necessary.
I dyed my hair about six months ago to a nice black colour, and just yesterday went to the salon to get the color stripped and to go blonde. They stripped the colour well, but dyed my hair a dark auburn brown instead of blonde. I need the blonde for a job in four days, is it safe to go to box blonde in a day or so?
I just dyed my hair blonde on Tuesday but have relized its to bright for me. how long do I have to wait befor I can dye it a darker color like brown or red?
Well I dyed my blue/turquoise hair brown a few weeks ago (Exam session) and it ended up in a total mess: black/brown with many many green(evil green) parts inside. Also it dried out a little but the ends are pretty fine so far. I used to have really smooth hair, even after bleaching a few times…now I would really love to get my hair back to a blonde that absorbs crazy colors as blue, orange etc.
How should I do this?
My hair is a dark brown, thick, healthy, and had peek-a-boo caramel highlights (Done professionally) . Last night I dyed my hair with a L’Oreal Burgundy. However it only gave me a hint of red which appears when in sunlight, and this is not the result I wanted. I wanted a black cherry look that was subtle but vibrant. My question is what at home brand will give me what I want and how long should I wait?
My hair is dirty blonde and I dyed it red but it turned out as a ginger colour. I want to dye it a darker red so how long would I have to wait?
I have 90% grey hair, naturally. Sunday I dyed it Lightest Golden Blonde#10G with Clairol Soy 4 Plex Creme Permanente hair color. HATE IT! Doesn’t look natural at all. Turned out yellow blonde with some light orange tones. What can I do to just go back grey?