Ayurvedic hair care practices belong to alternative and complementary medicine. They are a part of the ancient Indian medical science of Ayurveda which has become popular in the Western countries as well during the last decade. A lot of people use ayurveda because they believe that it really works. It is based on the belief that your energy levels have to be in balance in order for your body to stay healthy and your mind to stay clear. Every person has a different combination of these energies, therefore all people can be split into three groups or doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. The suggested types of treatment are also different depending on the patient’s predominant dosha type.
Ayurveda is a natural hair care treatment and it doesn’t involve the use of any harmful or unnatural substances. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that if you feel well and avoid exposure to stress then it also helps you to maintain healthy hair. Similarly to many other alternative therapies, ayurveda teaches us that everything starts from the inside and the first step you have to make when fighting any health issues is to get your inner energy, mind, soul, emotions and body in balance, however, there are also many ayurvedic hair care recipes that can come in handy if you want your hair to be healthy.
Ayurvedic hair care tips
It would be suggested not to give up on your ayurvedic hair care regimen after the first few days – you should try to maintain it for at least a few weeks or months to see how well it works for you. Besides applying different oils and other home remedies to your hair, there are also a ton of other things to do, for example:
- Take care of your diet: Try to maintain a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet which includes some hair-friendly foods that stimulate hair growth. Consume a lot of fruits, vegetables and dairy products while avoiding processed foods with little nutritional value, especially if you are experiencing hair loss or have an itchy scalp.
- Avoid stress: Stress has a negative impact on your overall health as well as your hair. If you want your hair to stay healthy it would be suggested to keep your mind relaxed and maybe try meditation or something similar to it.
- Have a good sleep: If you rarely sleep well and almost never sleep more than some five or six hours then don’t be surprised when you start having problems with your hair health. A good night’s sleep is essential because you always have to rejuvenate yourself.
Ayurvedic hair care home remedies
There is a wide variety of different oils that people can use to improve their hair health. Almond, coconut, rose, basil, sesame, eucalyptus and olive oils are some of the most commonly used ayurvedic hair care remedies. You should apply them to your hair when doing a scalp massage and only rinse your hair after some time in order to let all the substances infiltrate properly.
There are different remedies for different problems. Ayurvedic practitioners often say that you shouldn’t put things that you can’t eat on your hair because it also needs to consume the same valuable nutrients. You can take a look at the following hair care recipes and try some of these mixtures which you can use when massaging your scalp:
- If dandruff is the thing which is bothering you then it would be suggested to use a mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice, neem oil or camphor.
- If you are suffering from hair loss then almond and coconut oils are the best hair care remedies for you. You can also boil lemon leaves in water and then try washing your hair with this water.
- If you have a problem with hair graying then you could boil gooseberries and add in some sugar and lemon juice. Massage your hair with this mixture and you should see improvement.
Ayurvedic hair care products
There are various ayurvedic hair care products that you can use if you don’t want to make any mixtures by yourself. You can choose from hundreds of different ayurvedic oils, conditioners, powders and shampoos which often cost just a few dollars. Most of them contain herbal extracts or some of the aforementioned oils, however, it is usually hard to determine which of them are actually helpful and which are not. Look for those hair care products which contain a high percentage of natural ingredients and don’t have any harmful chemicals in them.
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